Friday, November 20, 2009

Final Post

In my final post I'd like to say that I have learned a lot during the course of this class. This class has inspired me to go out and to find pictures in everyday life. Ive learned to look at things differently and to see how to get a great photo.

These are my examples of portraits in both the studio and in the outside using a reflector.

Monday, November 16, 2009

For this final photo assignment I chose to do light painting. This was a very difficult assignment, not because each picture had to be drawn, but because I had a really hard time coming up with new ideas. In my setting there wasnt much I could do with light painting but i did manage to come up with some pretty good photos.

Technical Settings:

Aperture: f/22

Shutter Speed: 20 seconds

ISO: 400

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Light Painting Inspration

This week I plan on doing light painting for my photo assignment. Here are some examples of photos that have inspired me.

Jan Wöllert and Jörg Miedza


Paul S. Wharton

Monday, November 9, 2009

In this assignment, I decided to try and take some pictures of shadow and light. I was near the Graveyard on Michigan Ave. one evening and I noticed how some of the graves were in shadow. I wondered in there and this one stood out. The way the light made the trees silhouettes against the background made it very creepy looking.

Technical Settings:

Aperture: f/2.8

Shutter Speed: 1/40

ISO: 100

Friday, November 6, 2009

Change the Context of the School

In this GIMP assignment we were to take a picture of the school and then use gimp and images from the internet to change the context of it. I chose a Back to the Future theme, with the Delorean traveling to the future and back, with a confused Marty McFly in the foreground.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


In this lesson we learned how to use motion and panning to create an interesting photo. To pan, we needed to pre-focus the camera at the spot where the object was going to be, then matched the incoming objects speed and shoot the photo when it passed over out spot.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This week I went to the Saline CC Regional meet. The weather was horrible and it was a really hard race for all of the runners. I tried to capture a lot of emotion when the race was going on. I like this picture because it shows a lot of the runners really toughing it out.

Technical Settings:

Aperture: f/4.5

Shutter Speed: 1/800

ISO: 4oo